I Lie Down and Sleep in Peace I Rise Again Because the Lord Sustains Me

Nada beats a great nighttime's sleep. Did you know in that location are multiple bible verses nigh sleep?

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day, he rested from all his piece of work.  Then God blessed the 7th 24-hour interval and made it holy, considering on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:2-3

Sleep might exist i of the most overlooked aspects of health in our society. Living in a "city that never sleeps" or pulling an all-nighter should non exist a proud badge yous article of clothing.

Short slumber durations take been found to drastically increased the risk of weight proceeds and obesity. Sleep affects hormones that regulate appetite. Those who become a good nighttime's slumber tend to swallow fewer calories than those who don't. Poor sleep has also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and depression.

Accept yous ever been sick? Rarely is it midday that all suddenly y'all feel amend, right? It's when y'all wake upwardly the next morn for a good night's sleep that you feel meliorate.

Tin You Get Likewise Much Sleep?

The Bible has some strong opinions near sleep. Slumber is portrayed every bit a gift from God. With God speaking to people while they slept through dreams and visions.

There is some business organization with sleeping as well. The Bible stresses that we should not abuse sleep and give in to laziness.

Love not to sleep, lest yous come to poverty; open your eyes, and you will have plenty of staff of life. Proverbs xx:13

Bible Verses about Slumber

I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Psalm three:5

Bible Verses About Sleep

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety. Psalm iv:8

Bible Verses About Sleep

In vain you ascent early and stay up tardily, toiling for nutrient to eat – for he grants sleep to those he loves. Psalm 127:2

Bible Verses About Sleep

When you lie down, you will non be agape, when you prevarication down, your slumber will be sweetness. Proverbs 3:24

Bible Verses About Sleep

Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you volition have nutrient to spare. Proverbs 20:13

Bible Verses About Sleep

How Many Hours Should You Sleep?

"…So God blest the 7th day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the piece of work of creating that he had done." Genesis ii:3

The National Sleep Foundation suggests that the average adult should be sleeping 7-nine hours a night. seven hours where have nosotros heard that earlier? Getting a minimum of seven hours a dark is the suggested corporeality of sleep you need to exist getting.

6 Tips For a Biblically Good Night of Sleep

I have been blest with the power to be able to fall asleep pretty much anywhere and at whatsoever fourth dimension. My married woman is not and so lucky. Here are a few tips that will help even the hardest of you to fall asleep at dark.

  • Reduce blue light exposure. You retrieve you are relaxing by watching tv or checking your Instagram feed (follow me @Tyler_Inloes) but you are not. The heavy blue calorie-free screens give off gives your eyes the feeling of daylight. This causes yous a hard time falling asleep.
  • Cut caffeine and carbohydrate late in the day. This ane seems obvious merely you would be amazed at how many people have regular java later 5 pm. Yous might as well want to rethink that ice cream you eat in bed while watching a motion picture.
  • Sleep and wake up at a regular consistent time. I understand that your work schedule might not allow this to effort hard to do this one. Your body loves structure. Getting up and going to bed at the aforementioned time lets your trunk not have to estimate about how to use your stored energy.
  • Don't Drink, and sleep  (Alcohol). Yes, alcohol might assist y'all fall asleep but it does non help with the quality.
  • Gear up Your Bedroom Temperature to around 70F. This might exist the affair that affects my slumber the most. If it is hot at that place is no way I am getting a good nighttime sleep.
  • Watch your eyelids. If you have tried all of the items to a higher place and still are having a hard time sleeping, watch your eyelids. I know it sounds funny but any time I am having a hard time falling asleep, the second I start looking at the back of my eyelids I am out cold. Honestly, information technology takes less than like five minutes.
  • Bible verses about Sleep. Reread the bible verses about sleep above and permit them at-home you lot.


Make certain to get at to the lowest degree 7 hours of quality slumber. This isn't an excuse to sleep your life away. But commencement making slumber, quality sleep, a priority in your life. I am y'all will terminate up spending almost a 3rd of your life comatose yous might as well make information technology skillful.

Tyler Inloes

Hullo, I'thousand Tyler Inloes, Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Nutrition Specialist. Growing upward as a "Chunky Christian", I never missed a doughnut at the welcome table at church. To solve my own weight problem, I turned to God and the Bible for help. Subsequently losing over 20 pounds in forty days, I now teach Christians, like you, about fitness and organized religion to help them transform their body into the temple God designed them to exist.

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Source: https://www.tylerinloes.com/bible-verses-about-sleep/

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